Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Breaking News: Mane6 gets Skullgirls engine, Robo-Fortune will be playable

Lab Zero Games has reached their goal of $725,000. As a result, Mane6 will receive the Skullgirls engine and Robo-Fortune will be a playable character.

With 10 hours to spare, Lab Zero Games has earned over $725,000 for Skullgirls content thanks to their crowdfunding efforts at Indiegogo. Mane6 can now speed development of their upcoming fighter. Robo-Fortune will also be a playable character in Skullgirls.

Mane6 was put in a tough situation when Hasbro forced them to cease and desist all of their My Little Pony content. This included development of the game and any content showcasing the fighter on their behalf. With Lauren Faust and the Skullgirls engine on their side, Mane6 can breathe a bit easier this time.

Lab Zero Games isn't done just yet. They've got a few hours to reach a goal of $825,000. Should that be reached, a second mystery DLC character will become a reality.