Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Evo 2012: "ASSIST ME!" Panel Part 1

The "ASSIST ME!" cast attended Evo 2012 for their panel at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas. If you haven't been keeping up with Maximilian, allow me to fill you in. "ASSIST ME!" is an Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (UMvC3) series. This brings characters of the game to real life.

Wesker, Deadpool, X-23, and Doctor Doom are just a few names featured in episodes of the series. Max and Doom are roommates in the series and they usually encounter a UMvC3 friend or foe. Things took a turn for the strange when Max turned into Ghost Rider for an episode.

The popular web show may have hit some bumps in the road, but the overwhelming support from fans has kept it going strong. See part one of "ASSIST ME!" at Evo 2012 below.