Monday, March 5, 2012

Capcom releases statement on Street Fighter x Tekken DLC

And boom goes the dynamite.

Over the weekend, it was discovered that Capcom locked DLC content in the Street Fighter x Tekken (SFxT) disc. Unfinished prologues, skins and character models were found. This also confirmed that Mega Man and Pac Man are indeed coming to the Xbox 360.

So what was Capcom's reasoning behind this? See the explanation (via Capcom-Unity) after the jump:

"Capcom has confirmed that 12 new fan-favorite characters will be available as Downloadable Content (DLC) on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC versions of Street Fighter X Tekken later this year. The playable characters will make their debut on the PS Vita system when the game is released this fall, with the console and PC versions receiving them as DLC soon after. The character information and files were intentionally included on retail versions of the PS3 and Xbox 360 game to save hard drive space and to ensure for a smooth transition when the DLC is available, allowing players who choose not to purchase the content the ability to play against players that did."

"More specifics regarding pricing, dates and other additional exciting DLC plans for Street Fighter X Tekken will be shared at a later date. As a reminder, the retail version of the game will be the only disc-based version consumers will need to own and all future upgrades will come from post-launch DLC. The new characters fighting their way onto Street Fighter X Tekken are... from the Street Fighter side... Blanka, Cody, Dudley, Elena, Guy and Sakura will be playable and from Tekken... Alisa Bosconovitch, Bryan Fury, Christie Monteiro, Jack, Lars Alexandersson and Lei Wulong will all be available."