Monday, March 12, 2012

Street Fighter x Tekken: Combo/Glitch Video by Desk

Capcom's unofficial tester, Desk, is hard at work on finding exploits in Street Fighter x Tekken (SFxT). The gamer has also released a transcription of the combo video on his blog. See it below:

Transcription by Desk
Cammy - j.HP, st.HK xx jump, qcb+pp, st.HK xx jump, qcb+kk, st.HK xx jump, qcb+kk, st.HK xx jump, qcb+HK, st.MP, walk, st.LP, walk, st.LP, walk, st.LP, walk, st.LP-MP-cr.HK

Abel - j.HK, st.MP-HP xx ex.shoulder charge, ex.shoulder charge, cr.HP xx ex.shoulder charge, cr.HP xx dp+p

Law & Rolento - j.HK, st.MP, cr.MP, cr.MP xx qcb+k xx switch,[Rolento] j.MP, st.LP, walk, st.LP, walk, st.LP, walk, st.LP, walk, st.LP, walk, st.LP xx qcf+HP, qcf+HP xx switch [Law] st.LP, cr.MP, cr.MP xx qcb+k xx switch [Rolento] j.MP, st.LP, walk, st.LP, walk, st.LP, walk, st.LP, walk, st.LP, walk, st.LP xx qcf+HP, qcf+HP, qcf+p, st.HK, st.HK, cr.MK xx qcf+p, qcf+p

Boxer - j.HP, cr.MK, cr.MP xx b~f+kk, st.LP-cr.MP xx b~df+kk, cr.MP, cr.MP xx b~df+kk

Jin & Marduk - Target combo (LP-MP-LK), target combo, target combo, Tag [Marduk] cr.HP xx dp+pp xx switch [Jin] target combo, target combo, target combo, super

Chun - hcf+LP, j.d+MK, j.HPx2, st.HK xx hcf+HK~HK, st.LP-MP-HP xx hcf+pp, cr.HP xx hcb+LK, cr.LP, st.MP, st.HP xx hcf+pp, st.MP xx hcf+HK~HK, st.LP-MP-HP, cr.HP xx hcb+LK, cr.LK, bk+MK-MK xx jump, j.HK, st.HK xx hcf+k [charge] xx dash, st.HK, hcb+LK

Kazuya -, cr.MP, cr.HP xx mist step xx mist step xx electric, st.HP xx mist step xx mist step xx electric, cr.MK xx mist step xx mist step xx electric

Marduk & Xiaoyu - j.MK, cr.LP-MP-HP xx hcb+k [charge] xx dash, cr.LK-HP xx hcb+kk xx switch [Xiaoyu] Taunt!

Juri & Chun - qcf+lk, qcf+mk, qcf+HK, j.m, cr.HP xx release-hk, cr.HP xx release-mk, cr.MK xx release-lk, xx qcb+lk xx switch [Chun] cr.lp, cr.hp xx d~u+hk xx switch [Juri] dash back, qcf+lk, xx release-lk, xx qcb+mk, cr.hp xx jump, j.hp, xx qcf+hk xx switch [Chun] xx hcf+lk [charge] xx dash, xx jump, j.d+mkx3