Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: MarlinPie's Doctor Doom combo tutorial (Video)

AG MarlinPie impressed commentators and viewers of last weekend's Curleh Mustache #2 event. His Doctor Doom combos went bonkers and helped earned him the top prize at the event from Next Level. Damnitsrj has been working hard in the lab to perfect the combo and has uploaded a tutorial. See the transcription below:

Transcription by Damnitsrj
TAC hit, j.A, j.B (1 Hit), H Footdive, AD Forward, j.A, j.B (1 Hit), Flight, j.A twice, AD up, j.A x2, AD Forward, j.A x2, j.B (1 hit), AD Up-Forward, j.A x2, j.B x2, j.C, j.B (1 Hit), j.B (1 Hit), j. L Plasma Beam, j.M, H Molecular Shield xx Sphere Flame.