Wednesday, February 29, 2012

King of Fighters XIII: Yuri Sakazaki Trials (Video)

Another day, another trial. VesperArcade has uploaded another King of Fighters XIII (KoF XIII). This time the gang tackles Yuri Sakazaki. Check out the blog for the new trials below:
Blog by VesperArcade

Holding down the button when performing any
command helps with the timing window for all

Trial 3

Make sure the S.HP is close, the motion I used
to cancel the DP into super was DP-HCF+P

Trial 4

the motion I used
to cancel the DP into super was DP-HCB+K

Trial 6

Make sure your instant Air LP is a small jump.

Trial 7

You need to TK motion the QCF+LK at the start, the timing
is as soon as she leaves the ground. Make sure you are right
infront of the opponent in order to connect the C.LK.

To cancel the Air QCF+LK from OverDrive Mode, use the motion

Make sure to delay when doing this as you're trying to hit the
opponent just before he touches the ground.